diagram: elevate dental – bar top dining scene
I love using the Intellytech Mega 8!

– big enough for a soft source
– light enough to fly in overhead on a baby boom
– sturdy enough to clip flags to to isolate talent
Don’t forget to use cloth tape instead of gaff tape on painted surfaces so you don’t muck them up!
client: Elevate Dental
prod: Esteban Obregon
dp: Gabe Fermin
1st ac: Noelle
gaffer: Tyler Trepod
sound: Mitch
pa: Chloe Magdalene

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– Some of the links in Tyler’s blog posts are affiliate links, which means that qualifying purchases will help financially support Tyler at no extra cost to you. If you wanted to purchase something else but still support Tyler, please use the following link: https://amzn.to/3WdnsdM
– This blog post contains only Tyler’s opinions about G&E, gaffing, and LED lighting, and was not reviewed or paid for by outside persons or manufacturers
– Tyler Trepod is a freelance owner/operator gaffer of a Grip & Electric truck based in Denver, Colorado and serves the Boulder, Denver, Colorado Springs, & Fort Collins markets