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diagram: bad daddy’s burger bar – food with movement

How do you light appetizing food shots?


My favorite choice is a giant soft source off to one side, and then add a little bit of bounce on the other. The soft source replicates bounced sunlight coming through a window, and the bounce helps me control the ratio on the other side. This time we used an Aputure 1200d and an 8×8 magic cloth as our key, with a bead board on the other side as bounce.

Our team also added two tubes to our custom built rig in order to help enhance the motion. One served as a back light adding texture and some nice highlight detail on the greasy bits, the other acted as a front light to help maintain consistent exposure.

The custom rig was made from metal piping, and placed in between sandbags to allow us to freely rotate it while keeping it in place. This little piece built by our DP enabled us to get some fun shots!

A little mirror board plucked some light from our key, throwing it towards the background. Lastly, some tubes and a spotlight add warmth and texture!


client: Bad Daddy’s Burger Bar
agency: Black Cat Cinema
prod: Sterling Miller
dir: Broc Hunter
dp: Alex Gutzmer
gaff: Tyler Trepod
pa: Alex Thomson

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– This blog post contains only Tyler’s opinions about G&E, gaffing, and LED lighting, and was not reviewed or paid for by outside persons or manufacturers
– Tyler Trepod is a freelance owner/operator gaffer of a Grip & Electric truck based in Denver, Colorado and serves the Boulder, Denver, Colorado Springs, & Fort Collins markets