diagram: litehouse ranch – three-point lighting applied on a large scale
Did you know that the same framework used to light a three-point interview setup can also be used to light whole scenes?

If you haven’t seen my cinematic interview tutorial, a) you should go do that! and b) let’s quickly recap the 6 step process I introduced in that video:
1) We need to know where our talent is going to be placed, and where the camera will be looking.
2) After our framing and blocking has been established, we’ll get the key light up and looking how we want it.
3) Then, we’ll fill in the shadow side of our talent to get the ratio that we’re looking for.
4) Next, providing our talent with a little kicker from behind will help separate them from the background.
5) If necessary, we can introduce a light, or lights, to increase brightness in other parts of the frame.
6) And last, we’ll want to add some eye candy to our frame using practical lighting, which helps bring the frame to life.
But this process isn’t just for interview setups!
It’s also a good framework for lighting scenes in commercial or narrative shoots!
If you’re curious to learn more, then make sure you go watch my latest YouTube video, where I explain how this 6-step process was applied to light three distinct scenes for Litehouse Foods!
Once the blocking and framing had been established (1), I moved the Intellytech Mega-Litecloth into place for the key (2). A 6×6 frame with an ultrabounce rag returns some of the key as fill (3). An Aputure 1200d Pro bounces off an overhead 8×8 ultrabounce to serve as room fill and act as a kicker for the talent (4) (5). Two Kelvin EPOS 300’s were placed behind the cabinets to add the blue hue to the curtains. For our practicals, three Aputure Infinibar PB12’s and 6 MC Pros light the produce shelving, and a 4th Infinibar is boomed from behind to light the sign (6). Lastly, a couple Aputure Infinibar PB6’s are used to separate the dancers from the background!
dir: woody roseland
dir: chad neidt
1st ad: brian bell
dp: justin balog
steadi: kevin andrews
1st ac: max green
gaffer: tyler trepod
kg: eric fulcher
art dir: jessie capstick
art asst: leah vogel
art asst: darci naftulin
hmu: kacie mcintosh
pa: payson wick

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